Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week-1 Web Conference - EDLD 5370

Yesterday evening I participated in the week-1 web conference for EDLD 5370-Educational Technology Leadership Internship. Normally this would be my final course, however I still have one more after this class.

I always feel good after the web conference, though I never like to attend them. I always feel that if a person is going to take an online course, that there shouldn't be any mandatory attendance-type events. However, without fail, each time I attend a web conference, I come away feeling as though I've accomplished something or learned a key piece of information.

Aside from having another opportunity to hear from my professor and classmates firsthand - which makes this feel like more of a "real" class - I learned valuable information about the Technology Standards that we are to cite in our field-based internship reflections. I've been using both Technology Facilitator and Leadership standards. However based on last night's conference, I will be able to revise my internship log to just reflect the facilitator standards. This will make it much easier to have activities that relate to all 33 standards.

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